Don't Play Favorites: Minority Guidance for Diffusion Models

by   Soobin Um, et al.

We explore the problem of generating minority samples using diffusion models. The minority samples are instances that lie on low-density regions of a data manifold. Generating sufficient numbers of such minority instances is important, since they often contain some unique attributes of the data. However, the conventional generation process of the diffusion models mostly yields majority samples (that lie on high-density regions of the manifold) due to their high likelihoods, making themselves highly ineffective and time-consuming for the task. In this work, we present a novel framework that can make the generation process of the diffusion models focus on the minority samples. We first provide a new insight on the majority-focused nature of the diffusion models: they denoise in favor of the majority samples. The observation motivates us to introduce a metric that describes the uniqueness of a given sample. To address the inherent preference of the diffusion models w.r.t. the majority samples, we further develop minority guidance, a sampling technique that can guide the generation process toward regions with desired likelihood levels. Experiments on benchmark real datasets demonstrate that our minority guidance can greatly improve the capability of generating the low-likelihood minority samples over existing generative frameworks including the standard diffusion sampler.


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