DP-SEP! Differentially Private Stochastic Expectation Propagation
We are interested in privatizing an approximate posterior inference algorithm called Expectation Propagation (EP). EP approximates the posterior by iteratively refining approximations to the local likelihoods, and is known to provide better posterior uncertainties than those by variational inference (VI). However, using EP for large-scale datasets imposes a challenge in terms of memory requirements as it needs to maintain each of the local approximates in memory. To overcome this problem, stochastic expectation propagation (SEP) was proposed, which only considers a unique local factor that captures the average effect of each likelihood term to the posterior and refines it in a way analogous to EP. In terms of privacy, SEP is more tractable than EP because at each refining step of a factor, the remaining factors are fixed to the same value and do not depend on other datapoints as in EP, which makes the sensitivity analysis tractable. We provide a theoretical analysis of the privacy-accuracy trade-off in the posterior estimates under differentially private stochastic expectation propagation (DP-SEP). Furthermore, we demonstrate the performance of our DP-SEP algorithm evaluated on both synthetic and real-world datasets in terms of the quality of posterior estimates at different levels of guaranteed privacy.