Dynamic of Stochastic Gradient Descent with State-Dependent Noise

by   Qi Meng, et al.

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and its variants are mainstream methods to train deep neural networks. Since neural networks are non-convex, more and more works study the dynamic behavior of SGD and the impact to its generalization, especially the escaping efficiency from local minima. However, these works take the over-simplified assumption that the covariance of the noise in SGD is (or can be upper bounded by) constant, although it is actually state-dependent. In this work, we conduct a formal study on the dynamic behavior of SGD with state-dependent noise. Specifically, we show that the covariance of the noise of SGD in the local region of the local minima is a quadratic function of the state. Thus, we propose a novel power-law dynamic with state-dependent diffusion to approximate the dynamic of SGD. We prove that, power-law dynamic can escape from sharp minima exponentially faster than flat minima, while the previous dynamics can only escape sharp minima polynomially faster than flat minima. Our experiments well verified our theoretical results. Inspired by our theory, we propose to add additional state-dependent noise into (large-batch) SGD to further improve its generalization ability. Experiments verify that our method is effective.


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