Efficient Optimal Control of Smoke using Spacetime Multigrid

by   Zherong Pan, et al.

We present a novel algorithm to control the physically-based animation of smoke. Given a set of keyframe smoke shapes, we compute a dense sequence of control force fields that can drive the smoke shape to match several keyframes at certain time instances. Our approach formulates this control problem as a PDE constrained spacetime optimization and computes locally optimal control forces as the stationary point of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions. In order to reduce the high complexity of multiple passes of fluid resimulation, we utilize the coherence between consecutive fluid simulation passes and update our solution using a novel spacetime full approximation scheme (STFAS). We demonstrate the benefits of our approach by computing accurate solutions on 2D and 3D benchmarks. In practice, we observe more than an order of magnitude improvement over prior methods.


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