Efficient Quantum State Synthesis with One Query

by   Gregory Rosenthal, et al.

We present a polynomial-time quantum algorithm making a single query (in superposition) to a classical oracle, such that for every state |ψ⟩ there exists a choice of oracle that makes the algorithm construct an exponentially close approximation of |ψ⟩. Previous algorithms for this problem either used a linear number of queries and polynomial time, or a constant number of queries and polynomially many ancillae but no nontrivial bound on the runtime. As corollaries we do the following: - We simplify the proof that statePSPACE ⊆ stateQIP (a quantum state analogue of PSPACE ⊆ IP) and show that a constant number of rounds of interaction suffices. - We show that QAC_𝖿^0 lower bounds for constructing explicit states would imply breakthrough circuit lower bounds for computing explicit boolean functions. - We prove that every n-qubit state can be constructed to within 0.01 error by an O(2^n/n)-size circuit over an appropriate finite gate set. More generally we give a size-error tradeoff which, by a counting argument, is optimal for any finite gate set.


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