Energy Efficient Cross Layer Time Synchronization in Cognitive Radio Networks

by   S. M. Usman Hashmi, et al.

Time synchronization is a vital concern for any Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) to perform dynamic spectrum management. Each Cognitive Radio (CR) node has to be environment aware and self adaptive and must have the ability to switch between multiple modulation schemes and frequencies. Achieving same notion of time within these CR nodes is essential to fulfill the requirements for simultaneous quiet periods for spectrum sensing. Current application layer time synchronization protocols require multiple timestamp exchanges to estimate skew between the clocks of CRN nodes. The proposed symbol timing recovery method already estimates the skew of hardware clock at the physical layer and use it for skew correction of application layer clock of each node. The heart of application layer clock is the hardware clock and hence application layer clock skew will be same as of physical layer and can be corrected from symbol timing recovery process. So one timestamp is enough to synchronize two CRN nodes. This conserves the energy utilized by application layer protocol and makes a CRN energy efficient and can achieve time synchronization in short span.


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