Enhancing Performance of Random Caching in Large-Scale Wireless Networks with Multiple Receive Antennas

by   Dongdong Jiang, et al.

To improve signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) and make better use of file diversity provided by random caching, we consider two types of linear receivers, i.e., maximal ratio combining (MRC) receiver and partial zero forcing (PZF) receiver, at users in a large-scale cache-enabled single-input multi-output (SIMO) network. First, for each receiver, by utilizing tools from stochastic geometry, we derive a tractable expression and a tight upper bound for the successful transmission probability (STP). In the case of the MRC receiver, we also derive a closed-form expression for the asymptotic outage probability in the low SIR threshold regime. Then, for each receiver, we maximize the STP. In the case of the MRC receiver, we consider the maximization of the tight upper bound on the STP by optimizing the caching distribution, which is a non-convex problem. We obtain a stationary point, by solving an equivalent difference of convex (DC) programming problem using concave-convex procedure (CCCP). We also obtain a closed-form asymptotically optimal solution in the low SIR threshold regime. In the case of the PZF receiver, we consider the maximization of the tight upper bound on the STP by optimizing the caching distribution and the degrees of freedom (DoF) allocation (for boosting the signal power), which is a mixed discrete-continuous problem. Based on structural properties, we obtain a low-complexity near optimal solution by using an alternating optimization approach. The analysis and optimization results reveal the impact of antenna resource at users on random caching. Finally, by numerical results, we show that the random caching design with the PZF receiver achieves significant performance gains over the random caching design with the MRC receiver and some baseline caching designs.


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