Equivariant representations for molecular Hamiltonians and N-center atomic-scale properties

by   Jigyasa Nigam, et al.

Symmetry considerations are at the core of the major frameworks used to provide an effective mathematical representation of atomic configurations, that are then used in machine-learning models to predict the properties associated with each structure. In most cases, the models rely on a description of atom-centered environments, and are suitable to learn atomic properties, or global observables that can be decomposed into atomic contributions. Many quantities that are relevant for quantum mechanical calculations, however – most notably the Hamiltonian matrix when written in an atomic-orbital basis – are not associated with a single center, but with two (or more) atoms in the structure. We discuss a family of structural descriptors that generalize the very successful atom-centered density correlation features to the N-centers case, and show in particular how this construction can be applied to efficiently learn the matrix elements of the (effective) single-particle Hamiltonian written in an atom-centered orbital basis. These N-centers features are fully equivariant – not only in terms of translations and rotations, but also in terms of permutations of the indices associated with the atoms – and lay the foundations for symmetry-adapted machine-learning models of new classes of properties of molecules and materials.


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