Fast Power Series Solution of Large 3-D Electrodynamic Integral Equation for PEC Scatterers

by   Yoginder Kumar Negi, et al.

This paper presents a new fast power series solution method to solve the Hierarchal Method of Moment(MoM) matrix for a large complex,perfectly electric conducting (PEC) 3D structures. The proposed power series solution converges in just two iterations which is faster than the conventional fast solver-based iterative solution. The method is purely algebraic in nature and, as such applicable to existing conventional methods. The method uses regular fast solver Hierarchal Matrix (H-Matrix) and can also be applied to Multilevel Fast Multipole Method Algorithm(MLFMA). In the proposed method, we use the scaling of the symmetric near-field matrix to develop a diagonally dominant overall matrix to enable a power series solution. Left and right block scaling coefficients are required for scaling near-field blocks to diagonal blocks using Schur's complement method. However,only the right-hand scaling coefficients are computed for symmetric near-field matrix leading to saving of computation time and memory. Due to symmetric property, the left side-block scaling coefficients are just the transpose of the right-scaling blocks. Next, the near-field blocks are replaced by scaled near-field diagonal blocks. Now the scaled near-field blocks in combination with far-field and scaling coefficients are subjected to power series solution terminating after only two terms. As all the operations are performed on the near-field blocks, the complexity of scaling coefficient computation is retained as O(N). The power series solution only involves the matrix-vector product of the far-field, scaling coefficients blocks, and inverse of scaled near-field blocks. Hence, the solution cost remains O(NlogN). Several numerical results are presented to validate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed numerical method.


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