Fast Spatial Autocorrelation

by   Anar Amgalan, et al.

Physical or geographic location proves to be an important feature in many data science models, because many diverse natural and social phenomenon have a spatial component. Spatial autocorrelation measures the extent to which locally adjacent observations of the same phenomenon are correlated. Although statistics like Moran's I and Geary's C are widely used to measure spatial autocorrelation, they are slow: all popular methods run in Ω(n^2) time, rendering them unusable for large data sets, or long time-courses with moderate numbers of points. We propose a new S_A statistic based on the notion that the variance observed when merging pairs of nearby clusters should increase slowly for spatially autocorrelated variables. We give a linear-time algorithm to calculate S_A for a variable with an input agglomeration order (available at For a typical dataset of n ≈ 63,000 points, our S_A autocorrelation measure can be computed in 1 second, versus 2 hours or more for Moran's I and Geary's C. Through simulation studies, we demonstrate that S_A identifies spatial correlations in variables generated with spatially-dependent model half an order of magnitude earlier than either Moran's I or Geary's C. Finally, we prove several theoretical properties of S_A: namely that it behaves as a true correlation statistic, and is invariant under addition or multiplication by a constant.


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