FisheyeDistanceNet: Self-Supervised Scale-Aware Distance Estimation using Monocular Fisheye Camera for Autonomous Driving

by   Varun Ravi Kumar, et al.

Fisheye cameras are commonly used in applications like autonomous driving and surveillance to provide a large field of view (>180^∘). However, they come at the cost of strong non-linear distortion which require more complex algorithms. In this paper, we explore Euclidean distance estimation on fisheye cameras for automotive scenes. Obtaining accurate and dense depth supervision is difficult in practice, but self-supervised learning approaches show promising results and could potentially overcome the problem. We present a novel self-supervised scale-aware framework for learning Euclidean distance and ego-motion from raw monocular fisheye videos without applying rectification. While it is possible to perform piece-wise linear approximation of fisheye projection surface and apply standard rectilinear models, it has its own set of issues like re-sampling distortion and discontinuities in transition regions. To encourage further research in this area, we will release this dataset as part of our WoodScape project <cit.>. We further evaluated the proposed algorithm on the KITTI dataset and obtained state-of-the-art results comparable to other self-supervised monocular methods. Qualitative results on an unseen fisheye video demonstrate impressive performance, see .


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