Fitting summary statistics of neural data with a differentiable spiking network simulator

by   Guillaume Bellec, et al.

Fitting network models to neural activity is becoming an important tool in neuroscience. A popular approach is to model a brain area with a probabilistic recurrent spiking network whose parameters maximize the likelihood of the recorded activity. Although this is widely used, we show that the resulting model does not produce realistic neural activity and wrongly estimates the connectivity matrix when neurons that are not recorded have a substantial impact on the recorded network. To correct for this, we suggest to augment the log-likelihood with terms that measure the dissimilarity between simulated and recorded activity. This dissimilarity is defined via summary statistics commonly used in neuroscience, and the optimization is efficient because it relies on back-propagation through the stochastically simulated spike trains. We analyze this method theoretically and show empirically that it generates more realistic activity statistics and recovers the connectivity matrix better than other methods.


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