From traffic conflict simulation to traffic crash simulation: introducing traffic safety indicators based on the explicit simulation of potential driver errors

by   Vittorio Astarita, et al.

This paper introduces a general simulation framework that can allow the simulation of crashes and the evaluation of consequences on existing microsimulation packages. A specific family of simple and reproducible conflict indicators is proposed and applied to many case studies. In this approach driver failures are simulated by assuming that a driver stops reacting to an external stimulus and keeps driving at the current speed for a given time. The trajectory of the distracted driver vehicle is thus evaluated and projected, for the given time steps, for the established distraction time, over the actual trajectories of other vehicles. Every occurring crash is then evaluated in terms of energy involved in the crash, or with any other severity index (which can be easily calculated since the accident dynamics can be accurately simulated). The simulation of a driver error allows not only the typology of crashes to be included, normally accounted for with surrogate safety measures, but also many other type of typical crashes that it is impossible to simulate with microsimulation and traditional methodologies being caused by vehicles who are driving on non-conflicting trajectories such as drivers speeding at a red light, drivers taking the wrong lane or side of the street or just driving off the road in isolated accidents against external obstacles or traffic barriers. The total crash energy of all crashes is proposed as an indicator of risk and adopted in the case studies. Moreover, the concepts introduced in this paper allow scientists to define other relevant variables that can be used as surrogate safety indicators that consider driving errors. Preliminary results on different case studies have shown a great accordance of safety evaluations with statistical data and empirical expectations and also with other traditional safety indicators that are commonly used in microsimulation.


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