Fundamental Conditions for Low-CP-Rank Tensor Completion
We consider the problem of low canonical polyadic (CP) rank tensor completion. A completion is a tensor whose entries agree with the observed entries and its rank matches the given CP rank. We analyze the manifold structure corresponding to the tensors with the given rank and define a set of polynomials based on the sampling pattern and CP decomposition. Then, we show that finite completability of the sampled tensor is equivalent to having a certain number of algebraically independent polynomials among the defined polynomials. Our proposed approach results in characterizing the maximum number of algebraically independent polynomials in terms of a simple geometric structure of the sampling pattern, and therefore we obtain the deterministic necessary and sufficient condition on the sampling pattern for finite completability of the sampled tensor. Moreover, assuming that the entries of the tensor are sampled independently with probability p and using the mentioned deterministic analysis, we propose a combinatorial method to derive a lower bound on the sampling probability p, or equivalently, the number of sampled entries that guarantees finite completability with high probability. We also show that the existing result for the matrix completion problem can be used to obtain a loose lower bound on the sampling probability p. In addition, we obtain deterministic and probabilistic conditions for unique completability. It is seen that the number of samples required for finite or unique completability obtained by the proposed analysis on the CP manifold is orders-of-magnitude lower than that is obtained by the existing analysis on the Grassmannian manifold.