Goal-Conditioned Q-Learning as Knowledge Distillation

by   Alexander Levine, et al.

Many applications of reinforcement learning can be formalized as goal-conditioned environments, where, in each episode, there is a "goal" that affects the rewards obtained during that episode but does not affect the dynamics. Various techniques have been proposed to improve performance in goal-conditioned environments, such as automatic curriculum generation and goal relabeling. In this work, we explore a connection between off-policy reinforcement learning in goal-conditioned settings and knowledge distillation. In particular: the current Q-value function and the target Q-value estimate are both functions of the goal, and we would like to train the Q-value function to match its target for all goals. We therefore apply Gradient-Based Attention Transfer (Zagoruyko and Komodakis 2017), a knowledge distillation technique, to the Q-function update. We empirically show that this can improve the performance of goal-conditioned off-policy reinforcement learning when the space of goals is high-dimensional. We also show that this technique can be adapted to allow for efficient learning in the case of multiple simultaneous sparse goals, where the agent can attain a reward by achieving any one of a large set of objectives, all specified at test time. Finally, to provide theoretical support, we give examples of classes of environments where (under some assumptions) standard off-policy algorithms require at least O(d^2) observed transitions to learn an optimal policy, while our proposed technique requires only O(d) transitions, where d is the dimensionality of the goal and state space.


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