HARFLOW3D: A Latency-Oriented 3D-CNN Accelerator Toolflow for HAR on FPGA Devices

by   Petros Toupas, et al.

For Human Action Recognition tasks (HAR), 3D Convolutional Neural Networks have proven to be highly effective, achieving state-of-the-art results. This study introduces a novel streaming architecture based toolflow for mapping such models onto FPGAs considering the model's inherent characteristics and the features of the targeted FPGA device. The HARFLOW3D toolflow takes as input a 3D CNN in ONNX format and a description of the FPGA characteristics, generating a design that minimizes the latency of the computation. The toolflow is comprised of a number of parts, including i) a 3D CNN parser, ii) a performance and resource model, iii) a scheduling algorithm for executing 3D models on the generated hardware, iv) a resource-aware optimization engine tailored for 3D models, v) an automated mapping to synthesizable code for FPGAs. The ability of the toolflow to support a broad range of models and devices is shown through a number of experiments on various 3D CNN and FPGA system pairs. Furthermore, the toolflow has produced high-performing results for 3D CNN models that have not been mapped to FPGAs before, demonstrating the potential of FPGA-based systems in this space. Overall, HARFLOW3D has demonstrated its ability to deliver competitive latency compared to a range of state-of-the-art hand-tuned approaches being able to achieve up to 5× better performance compared to some of the existing works.


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