High Fidelity Vector Space Models of Structured Data
Machine learning systems regularly deal with structured data in real-world applications. Unfortunately, such data has been difficult to faithfully represent in a way that most machine learning techniques would expect, i.e. as a real-valued vector of a fixed, pre-specified size. In this work, we introduce a novel approach that compiles structured data into a satisfiability problem which has in its set of solutions at least (and often only) the input data. The satisfiability problem is constructed from constraints which are generated automatically a priori from a given signature, thus trivially allowing for a bag-of-words-esque vector representation of the input to be constructed. The method is demonstrated in two areas, automated reasoning and natural language processing, where it is shown to be near-perfect in producing vector representations of natural-language sentences and first-order logic clauses that can be translated back to their original, structured input forms.