ICT Intervention in the Containment of the Pandemic Spread of COVID-19: An Exploratory Study

by   Akib Zaman, et al.

The objective of this article is to explore the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) interventions and its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the containment of the pandemic spread of novel Coronavirus. The research adopted a qualitative research approach, while the study data were collected through online content review and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Starting with a preliminary set of about 1200 electronic resources or contents, 56 were selected for review study, applying an inclusion and exclusion criteria. The review study revealed ICT interventions that include websites and dashboards, mobile applications, robotics and drones, artificial intelligence (AI), data analytic, wearable and sensor technology, social media and learning tools, and interactive voice response (IVR) as well as explored their respective usages to combat the pandemic spread of COVID-19. Later, the FGD was replicated with 22 participants and explored the possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of deploying such technologies to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. This research not only explores the exiting status of ICT interventions to fight with the COVID-19 pandemic but also provides a number of implications for the government, practitioners, doctors, policymakers and researchers for the effective utilization of the existing ICT interventions and for the future potential research and technological development to the containment of the pandemic spread of COVID-19 and future pandemics.


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