Improving Conversation Quality for VoIP Through Block Erasure Coding

by   Bobak McCann, et al.

The conversational quality of voice over IP (VoIP) depends on packet-loss rates, burstiness of packet loss, and delays (or latencies). The benefits for conversational voice quality of erasure coding attributable to its reduction in packet loss rates are widely appreciated. When block erasure coding is used, our analysis shows how those benefits are reduced or even eliminated by increases in delays and in a measure of burstiness of packet loss. We nevertheless show that the net effect of those three factors is still positive over a wide range of network loss rates provided that block sizes are sufficiently small and the sizes of decoding buffers have been optimized for real-time media. To perform this analysis, we develop a new analytical model describing the effects of block erasure coding on end-to-end network performance.


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