Improving Perception via Sensor Placement: Designing Multi-LiDAR Systems for Autonomous Vehicles

by   Sharad Chitlangia, et al.

Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in improving the perception performance of LiDARs on autonomous vehicles. While most of the existing works focus on developing novel model architectures to process point cloud data, we study the problem from an optimal sensing perspective. To this end, together with a fast evaluation function based on ray tracing within the perception region of a LiDAR configuration, we propose an easy-to-compute information-theoretic surrogate cost metric based on Probabilistic Occupancy Grids (POG) to optimize LiDAR placement for maximal sensing. We show a correlation between our surrogate function and common object detection performance metrics. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by verifying our results in a robust and reproducible data collection and extraction framework based on the CARLA simulator. Our results confirm that sensor placement is an important factor in 3D point cloud-based object detection and could lead to a variation of performance by 10 perception algorithms. We believe that this is one of the first studies to use LiDAR placement to improve the performance of perception.


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