Improving the Performance of WLANs by Reducing Unnecessary Active Scans

by   Dheryta Jaisinghani, et al.

We consider the problem of excessive and unnecessary active scans in heavily utilized WLANs during which low rate probe requests and responses are broadcast. These management frames severely impact the goodput. Our analysis of two production WLANs reveals that lesser number of non-overlapping channels in 2.4 GHz makes it more prone to the effects of increased probe frames than 5 GHz. We find that not only up to 90 information but the probe traffic can be as high as 60% of the management traffic. Furthermore, active scanning severely impacts real-time applications at a client as it increases the latency by 91 times. We present a detailed analysis of the impact of active scans on an individual client and the whole network. We discuss three ways to control the probe traffic in production WLANs -- access point configurations, network planning, and client modification. Our proposals for access point configuration are in line with current WLAN deployments, better network planning is device agnostic in nature, and client modification reduces the average number of probe requests per client by up to 50


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