Improving Transaction Success Rate via Smart Gateway Selection in Cryptocurrency Payment Channel Networks

by   Suat Mercan, et al.

The last decade has experienced a vast interest in Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies with a specific focus on the applications of this technology. However, slow confirmation times of transactions and unforeseeable high fees hamper their wide adoption for micro-payments. The idea of establishing payment channel networks is one of the many proposed solutions to address this scalability issue where nodes, by utilizing smart contracting, establish payment channels between each other and perform off-chain transactions. However, due to the way these channels are created, both sides have a certain one-way capacity for making transactions. Consequently, if one sides exceeds this one-way capacity, the channel becomes useless in that particular direction, which causes failures of payments and eventually creates an imbalance in the overall network. To keep the payment channel network sustainable, in this paper, we aim to increase the overall success rate of payments by effectively exploiting the fact that end-users are usually connected to the network at multiple points (i.e., gateways) any of which can be used to initiate the payment. We propose an efficient method for selection of the gateway for a user by considering the gateway's inbound and outbound payment traffic ratio. We then augment this proposed method with split payment capability to further increase success rate especially for large transactions. The evaluation of the proposed method shows that compared to greedy and maxflow-based approaches, we can achieve much higher success rates, which are further improved with split payments.


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