Industrial Anomaly Detection with Domain Shift: A Real-world Dataset and Masked Multi-scale Reconstruction

by   Zilong Zhang, et al.

Industrial anomaly detection (IAD) is crucial for automating industrial quality inspection. The diversity of the datasets is the foundation for developing comprehensive IAD algorithms. Existing IAD datasets focus on the diversity of data categories, overlooking the diversity of domains within the same data category. In this paper, to bridge this gap, we propose the Aero-engine Blade Anomaly Detection (AeBAD) dataset, consisting of two sub-datasets: the single-blade dataset and the video anomaly detection dataset of blades. Compared to existing datasets, AeBAD has the following two characteristics: 1.) The target samples are not aligned and at different scales. 2.) There is a domain shift between the distribution of normal samples in the test set and the training set, where the domain shifts are mainly caused by the changes in illumination and view. Based on this dataset, we observe that current state-of-the-art (SOTA) IAD methods exhibit limitations when the domain of normal samples in the test set undergoes a shift. To address this issue, we propose a novel method called masked multi-scale reconstruction (MMR), which enhances the model's capacity to deduce causality among patches in normal samples by a masked reconstruction task. MMR achieves superior performance compared to SOTA methods on the AeBAD dataset. Furthermore, MMR achieves competitive performance with SOTA methods to detect the anomalies of different types on the MVTec AD dataset. Code and dataset are available at


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