Interactive Diversity Optimization of Environments

by   Glen Berseth, et al.

The design of a building requires an architect to balance a wide range of constraints: aesthetic, geometric, usability, lighting, safety, etc. At the same time, there are often a multiplicity of diverse designs that can meet these constraints equally well. Architects must use their skills and artistic vision to explore these rich but highly constrained design spaces. A number of computer-aided design tools use automation to provide useful analytical data and optimal designs with respect to certain fitness criteria. However, this automation can come at the expense of a designer's creative control. We propose uDOME, a user-in-the-loop system for computer-aided design exploration that balances automation and control by efficiently exploring, analyzing, and filtering the space of environment layouts to better inform an architect's decision-making. At each design iteration, uDOME provides a set of diverse designs which satisfy user-defined constraints and optimality criteria within a user defined parameterization of the design space. The user then selects a design and performs a similar optimization with the same or different parameters and objectives. This exploration process can be repeated as many times as the designer wishes. Our user studies indicates that , with its diversity-based approach, improves the efficiency and effectiveness of even novice users with minimal training, without compromising the quality of their designs.


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