Intuitive sequence matching algorithm applied to a sip-and-puff control interface for robotic assistive devices

by   Frédéric Schweitzer, et al.

This paper presents the development and preliminary validation of a control interface based on a sequence matching algorithm. An important challenge in the field of assistive technology is for users to control high dimensionality devices (e.g., assistive robot with several degrees of freedom, or computer) with low dimensionality control interfaces (e.g., a few switches). Sequence matching consists in the recognition of a pattern obtained from a sensor's signal compared to a predefined pattern library. The objective is to allow the user to input several different commands with a low dimensionality interface (e.g., Morse code allowing inputting several letters with a single switch). In this paper, the algorithm is used in the context of the control of an assistive robotic arm and has been adapted to a sip-and-puff interface where short and long bursts can be detected. Compared to a classic sip-and-puff interface, a preliminary validation with 8 healthy subjects has shown that sequence matching makes the control faster, easier and more comfortable. This paper is a proof of concept that leads the way towards a more advanced algorithm and the usage of more versatile sensors such as inertial measurement units (IMU).


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