IoT-Based Solution for Paraplegic Sufferer to Send Signals to Physician via Internet

by   L. Srinivasan, et al.

We come across hospitals and non-profit organizations that care for people with paralysis who have experienced all or portion of their physique being incapacitated by the paralyzing attack. Due to a lack of motor coordination by their mind, these persons are typically unable to communicate their requirements because they can speak clearly or use sign language. In such a case, we suggest a system that enables a disabled person to move any area of his body capable of moving to broadcast a text on the LCD. This method also addresses the circumstance in which the patient cannot be attended to in person and instead sends an SMS message using GSM. By detecting the user part's tilt direction, our suggested system operates. As a result, patients can communicate with physicians, therapists, or their loved ones at home or work over the web. Case-specific data, such as heart rate, must be continuously reported in health centers. The suggested method tracks the body of the case's pulse rate and other comparable data. For instance, photoplethysmography is used to assess heart rate. The decoded periodic data is transmitted continually via a Microcontroller coupled to a transmitting module. The croaker's cabin contains a receiver device that obtains and deciphers data as well as constantly exhibits it on Graphical interfaces viewable on the laptop. As a result, the croaker can monitor and handle multiple situations at once.


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