"It took me almost 30 minutes to practice this". Performance and Production Practices in Dance Challenge Videos on TikTok

by   Daniel Klug, et al.

TikTok is a music-based video sharing social media app famous for users creating short meme and dance videos. TikTok videos are largely based on popular song snippets, which is why lip syncing and dance moves evolve as significant user performance practices in videos. User prosumption has not yet been studied regarding the characteristics of TikTok. This paper is based on social practice and performance theory, social media studies, and participatory online video culture. It uses the #distantdance challenge on TikTok to analyze production practices and strategies of users through qualitative video product analysis. 92 videos were coded and categorized regarding their visual content (who participated in which way) and paratextual elements (used tags and captions). The visual and (para-)textual elements were then analyzed regarding indicators that allow to draw conclusions on users' video creation strategies and performance practices in participating in the #distantdance challenge. The results show videos are mainly performed by single white female teenagers wearing casual outfits in their bedrooms. Users shared their experiences about learning and performing the dance in video captions. While users prepared settings and outfits for their performance, the majority of performances seems rather unplanned or spontaneous. This indicates most videos might be part of a series of user attempts to master the dance challenge resulting in posting the first successful video performance to TikTok. In addition to the dance moves, participants also added gestures as closing elements to their performances. This indicates their knowledge of using signals as part of an online community while at the same time manifesting their belongingness to the community. These first results of a qualitative product analysis illustrate some of users' motivations and effort to participate in TikTok dance challenges.


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