ItôTTS and ItôWave: Linear Stochastic Differential Equation Is All You Need For Audio Generation
In this paper, we propose to unify the two aspects of voice synthesis, namely text-to-speech (TTS) and vocoder, into one framework based on a pair of forward and reverse-time linear stochastic differential equations (SDE). The solutions of this SDE pair are two stochastic processes, one of which turns the distribution of mel spectrogram (or wave), that we want to generate, into a simple and tractable distribution. The other is the generation procedure that turns this tractable simple signal into the target mel spectrogram (or wave). The model that generates mel spectrogram is called ItôTTS, and the model that generates wave is called ItôWave. ItôTTS and ItôWave use the Wiener process as a driver to gradually subtract the excess signal from the noise signal to generate realistic corresponding meaningful mel spectrogram and audio respectively, under the conditional inputs of original text or mel spectrogram. The results of the experiment show that the mean opinion scores (MOS) of ItôTTS and ItôWave can exceed the current state-of-the-art methods, reached 3.925±0.160 and 4.35±0.115 respectively.