LargeEA: Aligning Entities for Large-scale Knowledge Graphs

by   Congcong Ge, et al.

Entity alignment (EA) aims to find equivalent entities in different knowledge graphs (KGs). Current EA approaches suffer from scalability issues, limiting their usage in real-world EA scenarios. To tackle this challenge, we propose LargeEA to align entities between large-scale KGs. LargeEA consists of two channels, i.e., structure channel and name channel. For the structure channel, we present METIS-CPS, a memory-saving mini-batch generation strategy, to partition large KGs into smaller mini-batches. LargeEA, designed as a general tool, can adopt any existing EA approach to learn entities' structural features within each mini-batch independently. For the name channel, we first introduce NFF, a name feature fusion method, to capture rich name features of entities without involving any complex training process. Then, we exploit a name-based data augmentation to generate seed alignment without any human intervention. Such design fits common real-world scenarios much better, as seed alignment is not always available. Finally, LargeEA derives the EA results by fusing the structural features and name features of entities. Since no widely-acknowledged benchmark is available for large-scale EA evaluation, we also develop a large-scale EA benchmark called DBP1M extracted from real-world KGs. Extensive experiments confirm the superiority of LargeEA against state-of-the-art competitors.


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