Learning Scalable Policies over Graphs for Multi-Robot Task Allocation using Capsule Attention Networks

by   Steve Paul, et al.

This paper presents a novel graph reinforcement learning (RL) architecture to solve multi-robot task allocation (MRTA) problems that involve tasks with deadlines and workload, and robot constraints such as work capacity. While drawing motivation from recent graph learning methods that learn to solve combinatorial optimization (CO) problems such as multi-Traveling Salesman and Vehicle Routing Problems using RL, this paper seeks to provide better performance (compared to non-learning methods) and important scalability (compared to existing learning architectures) for the stated class of MRTA problems. The proposed neural architecture, called Capsule Attention-based Mechanism or CapAM acts as the policy network, and includes three main components: 1) an encoder: a Capsule Network based node embedding model to represent each task as a learnable feature vector; 2) a decoder: an attention-based model to facilitate a sequential output; and 3) context: that encodes the states of the mission and the robots. To train the CapAM model, the policy-gradient method based on REINFORCE is used. When evaluated over unseen scenarios, CapAM demonstrates better task completion performance and >10 times faster decision-making compared to standard non-learning based online MRTA methods. CapAM's advantage in generalizability, and scalability to test problems of size larger than those used in training, are also successfully demonstrated in comparison to a popular approach for learning to solve CO problems, namely the purely attention mechanism.


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