Lower bounds on quantum query complexity for symmetric functions

by   Rajat Mittal, et al.

One of the main reasons for query model's prominence in quantum complexity is the presence of concrete lower bounding techniques: polynomial method and adversary method. There have been considerable efforts to not just give lower bounds using these methods but even to compare and relate them. We explore the value of these bounds on quantum query complexity for the class of symmetric functions, arguably one of the most natural and basic set of Boolean functions. We show that the recently introduced measure of spectral sensitivity give the same value as both these bounds (positive adversary and approximate degree) for every total symmetric Boolean function. We also look at the quantum query complexity of Gap Majority, a partial symmetric function. It has gained importance recently in regard to understanding the composition of randomized query complexity. We characterize the quantum query complexity of Gap Majority and show a lower bound on noisy randomized query complexity (Ben-David and Blais, FOCS 2020) in terms of quantum query complexity. In addition, we study how large certificate complexity and block sensitivity can be as compared to sensitivity (even up to constant factors) for symmetric functions. We show tight separations, i.e., give upper bound on possible separations and construct functions achieving the same.


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