LSTM-based Load Forecasting Robustness Against Noise Injection Attack in Microgrid

by   Amirhossein Nazeri, et al.

In this paper, we investigate the robustness of an LSTM neural network against noise injection attacks for electric load forecasting in an ideal microgrid. The performance of the LSTM model is investigated under a black-box Gaussian noise attack with different SNRs. It is assumed that attackers have just access to the input data of the LSTM model. The results show that the noise attack affects the performance of the LSTM model. The load prediction means absolute error (MAE) is 0.047 MW for a healthy prediction, while this value increases up to 0.097 MW for a Gaussian noise insertion with SNR= 6 dB. To robustify the LSTM model against noise attack, a low-pass filter with optimal cut-off frequency is applied at the model's input to remove the noise attack. The filter performs better in case of noise with lower SNR and is less promising for small noises.


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