Measuring Asymmetric Opinions on Online Social Interrelationship with Language and Network Features
Instead of studying the properties of social relationship from an objective view, in this paper, we focus on individuals' subjective and asymmetric opinions on their interrelationships. Inspired by the theories from sociolinguistics, we investigate two individuals' opinions on their interrelationship with their interactive language features. Eliminating the difference of personal language style, we clarify that the asymmetry of interactive language feature values can indicate individuals' asymmetric opinions on their interrelationship. We also discuss how the degree of opinions' asymmetry is related to the individuals' personality traits. Furthermore, to measure the individuals' asymmetric opinions on interrelationship concretely, we develop a novel model synthetizing interactive language and social network features. The experimental results with Enron email dataset provide multiple evidences of the asymmetric opinions on interrelationship, and also verify the effectiveness of the proposed model in measuring the degree of opinions' asymmetry.