Millimetre-waves to Terahertz SISO and MIMO Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution

by   Mingqi Zhang, et al.

With the exponentially increased demands for large bandwidth, it is important to think about the best network platform as well as the security and privacy of the information in communication networks. Millimetre (mm)-waves and terahertz (THz) with high carrier frequency are proposed as the enabling technologies to overcome Shannons channel capacity limit of existing communication systems by providing ultrawide bandwidth signals. Mm-waves and THz are also able to build wireless links compatible with optical communication systems. However, most solid-state components that can operate reasonably efficiently at these frequency ranges (100GHz-10THz), especially sources and detectors, require cryogenic cooling, as is a requirement for most quantum systems. Here, we show that secure mm-waves and THz QKD can be achieved when the sources and detectors operate at cryogenic temperatures down to T= 4K. We compare single-input single-output (SISO) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Continuous Variable THz Quantum Key Distribution (CVQKD) schemes and find the positive secret key rate in the frequency ranges between f=100 GHz and 1 THz. Moreover, we find that the maximum transmission distance could be extended, the secret key rate could be improved in lower temperatures, and achieve a maximum secrete communication distance of more than 5 km at f=100GHz and T=4K by using 1024*1024 antennas. Our results may contribute to the efforts to develop next-generation secure wireless communication systems and quantum internet for applications from inter-satellite and deep space, to indoor and short-distance communications.


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