Mobile Blockchain Decentralized Applications (DApps): A Case Study Of IPTM Blockchain Certificate Verification System

by   Mohd Anuar Mat Isa, et al.

A variety of mobile devices and applications have spread the usability of blockchain solutions to over 5.27 billion unique mobile phone users. The rising of Bitcoin price up to USD 50,000 in March 2021 has made many blockchain mobile wallets and smart contracts DApps popular for current and future investment of cryptocurrency and digital-asset managements. To understand the trend, this chapter will present the design and implementation of mobile blockchain DApps using Android Studio together with Ethereum smart contract as the digital-asset management tool. Java Android and Ethereum Web3-Java APIs will be demonstrated as a practical deployment of the mobile DApps. The logic and decision-making of the mobile DApps will be demonstrated and coded as a smart contract. The source codes of the mobile DApps and smart-contract were published in Github as open-source codes for those who are interested to build and run the project.


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