Model-based actor-critic: GAN + DRL (actor-critic) => AGI

by   Aras Dargazany, et al.

Our effort is toward unifying GAN and DRL algorithms into a unifying AI model (AGI or general-purpose AI or artificial general intelligence which has general-purpose applications to: (A) offline learning (of stored data) like GAN in (un/semi-/fully-)SL setting such as big data analytics (mining) and visualization; (B) online learning (of real or simulated devices) like DRL in RL setting (with/out environment reward) such as (real or simulated) robotics and control; Our core proposal is adding an (generative/predictive) environment model to the actor-critic (model-free) architecture which results in a model-based actor-critic architecture with temporal-differencing (TD) error and an episodic memory. The proposed AI model is similar to (model-free) DDPG and therefore it's called model-based DDPG. To evaluate it, we compare it with (model-free) DDPG by applying them both to a variety (wide range) of independent simulated robotic and control task environments in OpenAI Gym and Unity Agents. Our initial limited experiments show that DRL and GAN in model-based actor-critic results in an incremental goal-driven intellignce required to solve each task with similar performance to (model-free) DDPG. Our future focus is to investigate the proposed AI model potential to: (A) unify DRL field inside AI by producing competitive performance compared to the best of model-based (PlaNet) and model-free (D4PG) approaches; (B) bridge the gap between AI and robotics communities by solving the important problem of reward engineering with learning the reward function by demonstration;


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