Modeling Engagement Dynamics of Online Discussions using Relativistic Gravitational Theory

by   Subhabrata Dutta, et al.

Online discussions are valuable resources to study user behaviour on a diverse set of topics. Unlike previous studies which model a discussion in a static manner, in the present study, we model it as a time-varying process and solve two inter-related problems -- predict which user groups will get engaged with an ongoing discussion, and forecast the growth rate of a discussion in terms of the number of comments. We propose RGNet (Relativistic Gravitational Nerwork), a novel algorithm that uses Einstein Field Equations of gravity to model online discussions as `cloud of dust' hovering over a user spacetime manifold, attracting users of different groups at different rates over time. We also propose GUVec, a global user embedding method for an online discussion, which is used by RGNet to predict temporal user engagement. RGNet leverages different textual and network-based features to learn the dust distribution for discussions. We employ four baselines -- first two using LSTM architecture, third one using Newtonian model of gravity, and fourth one using a logistic regression adopted from a previous work on engagement prediction. Experiments on Reddit dataset show that RGNet achieves 0.72 Micro F1 score and 6.01 for temporal engagement prediction of user groups and growth rate forecasting, respectively, outperforming all the baselines significantly. We further employ RGNet to predict non-temporal engagement -- whether users will comment to a given post or not. RGNet achieves 0.62 AUC for this task, outperforming existing baseline by 8.77


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