NDN4IVC: A Framework for Simulating and Testing of Applications in Vehicular Named Data Networking

by   Guilherme B. Araujo, et al.

This paper presents a customized framework (NDN4IVC) for simulating and testing intelligent transportation systems and applications in vehicular named-data networking (V-NDN). The project uses two popular simulators in the literature for VANET simulation, a network simulator based on discrete events (Ns-3), with ndnSIM module installed, and Sumo, a simulator for urban mobility. NDN4IVC allows bidirectional communication between Sumo and Ns-3 and integrates the NDN stack and the NFD (NDN Forwarding Daemon) code. The project also brings together a comprehensive set of codes, models, functionalities, and technologies to improve proposals and protocols in V-NDN.


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