Nearly Optimal Scheduling of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks in Polynomial Time

by   Alper Kose, et al.

In this paper, we address the scheduling problem in wireless ad hoc networks by exploiting the computational advantage that comes when such scheduling problems can be represented by claw-free conflict graphs where we consider a wireless broadcast medium. It is possible to formulate a scheduling problem of network coded flows as finding maximum weighted independent set (MWIS) in the conflict graph of the network. Finding MWIS of a general graph is NP-hard leading to an NP-hard complexity of scheduling. In a claw-free conflict graph, MWIS can be found in polynomial time leading to a throughput-optimal scheduling. We show that the conflict graph of certain wireless ad hoc networks are claw-free. In order to obtain claw-free conflict graphs in general networks, we suggest introducing additional conflicts (edges) while keeping the decrease in MWIS size minimal. To this end, we introduce an iterative optimization problem to decide where to introduce edges and investigate its efficient implementation. Besides, we exemplify some physical modifications to manipulate the conflict graph of a network and also propose a mixed scheduling strategy for specific networks. We conclude that claw breaking method by adding extra edges can perform nearly optimal under the necessary assumptions.


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