Neural Network Calculator for Designing Trojan Detectors

by   Peter Bajcsy, et al.

This work presents a web-based interactive neural network (NN) calculator and a NN inefficiency measurement that has been investigated for the purpose of detecting trojans embedded in NN models. This NN Calculator is designed on top of TensorFlow Playground with in-memory storage of data and NN coefficients. Its been extended with additional analytical, visualization, and output operations performed on training datasets and NN architectures. The analytical capabilities include a novel measurement of NN inefficiency using modified Kullback-Liebler (KL) divergence applied to histograms of NN model states, as well as a quantification of the sensitivity to variables related to data and NNs. Both NN Calculator and KL divergence are used to devise a trojan detector approach for a variety of trojan embeddings. Experimental results document desirable properties of the KL divergence measurement with respect to NN architectures and dataset perturbations, as well as inferences about embedded trojans.


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