New lower bound on the Shannon capacity of C7 from circular graphs

by   Sven Polak, et al.

We give an independent set of size 367 in the fifth strong product power of C_7, where C_7 is the cycle on 7 vertices. This leads to an improved lower bound on the Shannon capacity of C_7: Θ(C_7)≥ 367^1/5 > 3.2578. The independent set is found by computer, using the fact that the set {t · (1,7,7^2,7^3,7^4) | t ∈Z_382}⊆Z_382^5 is independent in the fifth strong product power of the circular graph C_108,382. Here the circular graph C_k,n is the graph with vertex set Z_n, the cyclic group of order n, in which two distinct vertices are adjacent if and only if their distance (mod n) is strictly less than k.


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