Node Connectivity Augmentation via Iterative Randomized Rounding

by   Haris Angelidakis, et al.

Many network design problems deal with the design of low-cost networks that are resilient to the failure of their elements, such as nodes or links. One such problem is Connectivity Augmentation, where the goal is to cheaply increase the connectivity of a network from a value k to k+1. The most studied setting focuses on edge-connectivity, which reduces to k=2, called Cactus Augmentation. From an approximation perspective, Byrka, Grandoni, and Jabal Ameli (2020) were the first to break the 2-approximation barrier for this problem, by exploiting a connection to the Steiner Tree problem, and by tailoring the analysis of the iterative randomized rounding technique for Steiner Tree to the specific instances arising from this connection. Recently, Nutov (2020) observed that a similar reduction to Steiner Tree holds for a node-connectivity problem called Block-Tree Augmentation, where the goal is to add edges to a given spanning tree so that the resulting graph 2-node-connected. Combining Nutov's result with the algorithm of Byrka, Grandoni, and Jabal Ameli yields a 1.91-approximation for Block-Tree Augmentation, that is the best bound known so far. In this work, we give a 1.892-approximation algorithm for the problem of augmenting the node-connectivity of any graph from 1 to 2. As a corollary, we improve upon the state-of-the-art approximation factor for Block-Tree Augmentation. Our result is obtained by developing a different and simpler analysis of the iterative randomized rounding technique. Our results also imply a 1.892-approximation algorithm for Cactus Augmentation. While this does not beat the best approximation by Cecchetto, Traub, and Zenklusen (2021) known for this problem, our analysis is quite simple compared to previous results in the literature. In addition, our work gives new insights on the iterative randomized rounding method, that might be of independent interest.


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