Object Detection and Pose Estimation from RGB and Depth Data for Real-time, Adaptive Robotic Grasping

by   S. K. Paul, et al.

In recent times, object detection and pose estimation have gained significant attention in the context of robotic vision applications. Both the identification of objects of interest as well as the estimation of their pose remain important capabilities in order for robots to provide effective assistance for numerous robotic applications ranging from household tasks to industrial manipulation. This problem is particularly challenging because of the heterogeneity of objects having different and potentially complex shapes, and the difficulties arising due to background clutter and partial occlusions between objects. As the main contribution of this work, we propose a system that performs real-time object detection and pose estimation, for the purpose of dynamic robot grasping. The robot has been pre-trained to perform a small set of canonical grasps from a few fixed poses for each object. When presented with an unknown object in an arbitrary pose, the proposed approach allows the robot to detect the object identity and its actual pose, and then adapt a canonical grasp in order to be used with the new pose. For training, the system defines a canonical grasp by capturing the relative pose of an object with respect to the gripper attached to the robot's wrist. During testing, once a new pose is detected, a canonical grasp for the object is identified and then dynamically adapted by adjusting the robot arm's joint angles, so that the gripper can grasp the object in its new pose. We conducted experiments using a humanoid PR2 robot and showed that the proposed framework can detect well-textured objects, and provide accurate pose estimation in the presence of tolerable amounts of out-of-plane rotation. The performance is also illustrated by the robot successfully grasping objects from a wide range of arbitrary poses.


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