On Attractors of Isospectral Compressions of Networks

by   Leonid Bunimovich, et al.

In the recently developed theory of isospectral transformations of networks isospectral compressions are performed with respect to some chosen characteristic (attribute) of nodes (or edges) of networks. Each isospectral compression (when a certain characteristic is fixed) defines a dynamical system on the space of all networks. It is shown that any orbit of such dynamical system which starts at any finite network (as the initial point of this orbit) converges to an attractor. Such attractor is a smaller network where a chosen characteristic has the same value for all nodes (or edges). We demonstrate that isospectral contractions of one and the same network defined by different characteristics of nodes (or edges) may converge to the same as well as to different attractors. It is also shown that spectrally equivalent with respect to some characteristic networks could be non-spectrally equivalent for another characteristic of nodes (edges). These results suggest a new constructive approach to analysis of networks structures and to comparison of topologies of different networks.


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