On FGLM Algorithms with Tropical Gröbner bases

by   Yuki Ishihara, et al.

Let K be a field equipped with a valuation. Tropical varieties over K can be defined with a theory of Gröbner bases taking into account the valuation of K. Because of the use of the valuation, the theory of tropical Gröbner bases has proved to provide settings for computations over polynomial rings over a p-adic field that are more stable than that of classical Gröbner bases. In this article, we investigate how the FGLM change of ordering algorithm can be adapted to the tropical setting. As the valuations of the polynomial coefficients are taken into account, the classical FGLM algorithm's incremental way, monomo-mial by monomial, to compute the multiplication matrices and the change of basis matrix can not be transposed at all to the tropical setting. We mitigate this issue by developing new linear algebra algorithms and apply them to our new tropical FGLM algorithms. Motivations are twofold. Firstly, to compute tropical varieties, one usually goes through the computation of many tropical Gröbner bases defined for varying weights (and then varying term orders). For an ideal of dimension 0, the tropical FGLM algorithm provides an efficient way to go from a tropical Gröbner basis from one weight to one for another weight. Secondly, the FGLM strategy can be applied to go from a tropical Gröbner basis to a classical Gröbner basis. We provide tools to chain the stable computation of a tropical Gröbner basis (for weight [0,. .. , 0]) with the p-adic stabilized variants of FGLM of [RV16] to compute a lexicographical or shape position basis. All our algorithms have been implemented into SageMath. We provide numerical examples to illustrate time-complexity. We then illustrate the superiority of our strategy regarding to the stability of p-adic numerical computations.


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