One-shot Texture Segmentation

by   Ivan Ustyuzhaninov, et al.

We introduce one-shot texture segmentation: the task of segmenting an input image containing multiple textures given a patch of a reference texture. This task is designed to turn the problem of texture-based perceptual grouping into an objective benchmark. We show that it is straight-forward to generate large synthetic data sets for this task from a relatively small number of natural textures. In particular, this task can be cast as a self-supervised problem thereby alleviating the need for massive amounts of manually annotated data necessary for traditional segmentation tasks. In this paper we introduce and study two concrete data sets: a dense collage of textures (CollTex) and a cluttered texturized Omniglot data set. We show that a baseline model trained on these synthesized data is able to generalize to natural images and videos without further fine-tuning, suggesting that the learned image representations are useful for higher-level vision tasks.


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