Optimizing Traffic Lights with Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning and V2X communication

by   Azhar Hussain, et al.

We consider a system to optimize duration of traffic signals using multi-agent deep reinforcement learning and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication. This system aims at analyzing independent and shared rewards for multi-agents to control duration of traffic lights. A learning agent traffic light gets information along its lanes within a circular V2X coverage. The duration cycles of traffic light are modeled as Markov decision Processes. We investigate four variations of reward functions. The first two are unshared-rewards: based on waiting number, and waiting time of vehicles between two cycles of traffic light. The third and fourth functions are: shared-rewards based on waiting cars, and waiting time for all agents. Each agent has a memory for optimization through target network and prioritized experience replay. We evaluate multi-agents through the Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) simulator. The results prove effectiveness of the proposed system to optimize traffic signals and reduce average waiting cars to 41.5 traditional periodic traffic control system.


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