Person Re-identification: A Retrospective on Domain Specific Open Challenges and Future Trends

by   Asmat Zahra, et al.

Person re-identification (Re-ID) is one of the primary components of an automated visual surveillance system. It aims to automatically identify/search persons in a multi-camera network having non-overlapping field-of-views. Owing to its potential in various applications and research significance, a plethora of deep learning based re-Id approaches have been proposed in the recent years. However, there exist several vision related challenges, e.g., occlusion, pose scale & viewpoint variance, background clutter, person misalignment and cross-domain generalization across camera modalities, which makes the problem of re-Id still far from being solved. Majority of the proposed approaches directly or indirectly aim to solve one or multiple of these existing challenges. In this context, a comprehensive review of current re-ID approaches in solving theses challenges is needed to analyze and focus on particular aspects for further advancements. At present, such a focused review does not exist and henceforth in this paper, we have presented a systematic challenge-specific literature survey of 230+ papers between the years of 2015-21. For the first time a survey of this type have been presented where the person re-Id approaches are reviewed in such solution-oriented perspective. Moreover, we have presented several diversified prominent developing trends in the respective research domain which will provide a visionary perspective regarding ongoing person re-Id research and eventually help to develop practical real world solutions.


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