Precise Statistical Analysis of Classification Accuracies for Adversarial Training

by   Adel Javanmard, et al.

Despite the wide empirical success of modern machine learning algorithms and models in a multitude of applications, they are known to be highly susceptible to seemingly small indiscernible perturbations to the input data known as adversarial attacks. A variety of recent adversarial training procedures have been proposed to remedy this issue. Despite the success of such procedures at increasing accuracy on adversarially perturbed inputs or robust accuracy, these techniques often reduce accuracy on natural unperturbed inputs or standard accuracy. Complicating matters further the effect and trend of adversarial training procedures on standard and robust accuracy is rather counter intuitive and radically dependent on a variety of factors including the perceived form of the perturbation during training, size/quality of data, model overparameterization, etc. In this paper we focus on binary classification problems where the data is generated according to the mixture of two Gaussians with general anisotropic covariance matrices and derive a precise characterization of the standard and robust accuracy for a class of minimax adversarially trained models. We consider a general norm-based adversarial model, where the adversary can add perturbations of bounded ℓ_p norm to each input data, for an arbitrary p≥ 1. Our comprehensive analysis allows us to theoretically explain several intriguing empirical phenomena and provide a precise understanding of the role of different problem parameters on standard and robust accuracies.


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