Privacy-Preserving Remote Heart Rate Estimation from Facial Videos

by   Divij Gupta, et al.

Remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG) is the process of estimating PPG from facial videos. While this approach benefits from contactless interaction, it is reliant on videos of faces, which often constitutes an important privacy concern. Recent research has revealed that deep learning techniques are vulnerable to attacks, which can result in significant data breaches making deep rPPG estimation even more sensitive. To address this issue, we propose a data perturbation method that involves extraction of certain areas of the face with less identity-related information, followed by pixel shuffling and blurring. Our experiments on two rPPG datasets (PURE and UBFC) show that our approach reduces the accuracy of facial recognition algorithms by over 60 with minimal impact on rPPG extraction. We also test our method on three facial recognition datasets (LFW, CALFW, and AgeDB), where our approach reduced performance by nearly 50 approach as an effective privacy-preserving solution for rPPG estimation.


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